Saturday, November 14, 2015


I didn't forget about the Halloween pictures, things have just been crazy. Just like Halloween, crazy! I thought I had everything planned out perfectly for Halloween. We were going to be the Shrek family. James was going to be Shrek, I was going to be Fiona, Z was going as donkey because I asked her multiple times and she told me donkey and Eliza was going to be Puss in Boots. I bought the costumes and everything. A couple weeks before Halloween I attempted to put the donkey costume on Z just to make sure it fit and she went bonkers, hysterically crying. I just thought maybe that was her mood at the time, because these days she acts like a moody teenager and you never know what to expect. So I decided to try the costume on her another day. Same reaction, again and again. Halloween was approaching and no luck. We made the decision to send back the costumes and Z would go as one of her dress up costumes and poor Eliza would get the hand-me-down lamb costume from Z. I really miss the days when I could just dress Z up in whatever I wanted her to be. But she could not have been more thrilled to be Elsa. This is what she chose over Chase from Paw Patrol.

Elsa in rain boots. The weather was horrible but we decided to do our annual trick-or-treating at the Ballard businesses with Nana, who was in town visiting.

Z was beyond excited every time she got to put a piece of candy in her pumpkin bag. Eliza just got to sit and watch all the excitement.

Z did such a good job of fighting her temptations to grab a hand full of candy and only grabbed one piece. There are so many kids trick-or-treating, that the businesses are pretty strict about only taking one or two pieces.

Sometimes it took her a minute to decide which piece would be the best to take. Gummies or suckers always trumped the chocolate. Definitely, James's child : )

Then it was time to test out some of the candy. Z has never eaten so much candy in her life. I finally had to hide the candy from her.

Eliza wanted to know where her sucker was.

Once we got back to the house and after the Michigan game ended, of course, James and I took Z trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. We were shocked at how many people in our neighborhood participated in handing out candy and how many people trick-or-treated this year. Hopefully the trend continues. 

There is always next year for Shrek.

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