Thursday, January 31, 2013

26 Weeks and The Fun Begins

Besides the fact that it is getting harder to bend over, I took the disgusting glucose test on Monday and it came back slightly elevated. So know I get the pleasure of taking the 3 hour glucose test tomorrow morning.

The 3 hour test consist of fasting from midnight the night before. Next you go in and they take your blood, then you get to drink the sugary goodness drink. For the next 3 hours after that they take your blood every hour. Doesn't that sound like fun!

On Monday when I got to work from the doctor's office, I was talking to a co-worker and she was telling me all about taking the 3 hour glucose test and that she passed out. She said I really hope you don't have to take it. Well about an hour after that conversation the nurse called and told me the "great" news. So cross your fingers that I don't pass out tomorrow!

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