Saturday, November 7, 2015

Pumpkin Patch'n

Well, I'm about a month late with this post but I guess it is better late than never. We went to the same pumpkin patch we have been going to for the past two years. This year we went with the Lee family. This was the first year that Z was actually able to enjoy and participate in mostly everything. It was a joy to watch her have such a blast.

First stop was the petting zoo with Danny.

Then she watched some pig races on daddy's shoulders.

Then off to the slides with Danny and Rita, who is such a sweet heart for always taking care of Z because I have Eliza strapped to me.

We took a very bumpy tractor ride to the corn maze.

And off they go through the maze.

Here is Eliza and I just following along.

Of course I had to the opportunity to attempt some photos.
This is the face I get when asking Z to smile.

James and Z did a good job of picking out some great carving and decorative pumpkins.

Eliza's photo shoot.

Before leaving the pumpkin patch we had to get the best family photo would could and I love it. It adds character and great memories.

A couple weeks later, Z and I carved a pumpkin. Well I carved and Z helped clean out the pumpkin.

Here was the end result. Tried to do a more friendly pumpkin because, for some reason, Z was afraid of mostly all Halloween decorations this year.

Halloween pics soon to come.

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