Monday, November 9, 2015

She Has Entered The Double Digit Months

10 Months yesterday and I am seriously in shock. I can not believe how fast the time has flown. But I must say I absolutely love this age. Eliza is so much fun and always happy and giggly, as you can tell from this adorable picture.

She has started to take a couple crawls but then soon goes down to her army crawl because she can get to where she is going sooo fast. A couple days ago she started pulling up on things, not standing yet, just to her knees. She is also going from laying down to sitting up. 
She still only has her two bottom teeth but that does not stop her from eating like a machine. I think she would just continue to eat as long as I keep putting food in front of her and she will eat anything and everything. She usually eats all her food then the rest of Z's because these days it is pulling teeth to get Z to eat. 

She still says Mama, (and a whole lot of other sounds) especially when she wants me to pick her up.

She loves to explore, getting into everything she is not suppose to be in, as you will see in the video. Z and her are really starting to interact with each other. It is absolutely adorable to see. Z loves to give her sister hugs and kisses.

Also watch how Eliza will crawl and then turn to her side for a little bit. We like to call that her, "modeling for a picture on the beach pose".