Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

We sure did start our Christmas holiday off with a bang!

On Sunday morning I woke up with the stomach flu. We ended up spending 7 hours in the hospital because I couldn't keep anything down and I got very dehydrated. So they gave me an IV of fluids which I had no idea how difficult an IV could be when you are dehydrated. But I have the bruises to show how many times the nurse gave it a try before calling anesthesia.

The funniest part of the day was when the doctor was doing the ultrasound to make sure everything was ok with Baby G and James asked, "Is it a boy?" The doctor looked for a little while and said, "It is for sure a girl or either a very unfortunate boy." We both died laughing. (If Baby G reads this blog one day, I promise your dad is not disappointed you are not a boy. He is very excited to be having a daughter. It has just taken him some time to get over the shock factor of having a little girl.)

So now that I am feeling better, James has gotten sick and we are headed to New Orleans tomorrow night to see the fam. Let's just hope that James is not the one throwing up in the airplane bag this time.

We will be spending Christmas day with the pups tomorrow before heading out of town. Toby is ready for Xmas and to open some gifts!

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