Wednesday, January 2, 2013

5 Days of Christmas

Even though our Christmas was off to a rough start, it quickly got a lot better. We had such a wonderful trip down south visiting with the family. It was such a great time celebrating Christmas for several days and the excitement of just finding out the sex of Baby G.

On the First day of Christmas (actual Christmas day) we celebrated Christmas with the dogs, opening presents and getting packed for our trip.


 On the Second Day of Christmas we spent time with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins. I had my fair share of my Aunt's famous Christmas candy: fudge, pralines and my favorite chocolate peanut butter balls. I think Baby G really liked the candy too!
On the Third Day of Christmas we celebrated with my mom, Bob and brother Eric by eating a huge Christmas dinner then opening up presents. Baby G got the cutest little pink and black socks with pearls and a bow on them from her grandmother. Those are going to have to be for a special occasion.
 On the Fourth Day of Christmas we went into New Orleans and had a delicious dinner at Commander's Palace with the family. After dinner we went to the quarter to meet up with friends. While James and Eric had their drinks I treated Baby G and I to beignets at Cafe Du Monde.
On the Fifth Day of Christmas we celebrated with my Dad and brother by opening up presents and having a Cajun lunch at Copeland's.
Baby G got a very special present from her grandpa. She got her very first piece of jewelry, a ring. 
So precious!
Baby G is already one very loved baby. Her grandparents and parents are very excited in anticipation of her arrival.

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