Saturday, December 15, 2012


James and I have had a very busy week!

After making the decision to have a doula help us through and attend the birth of Baby G, we got busy emailing doulas that we were interested in interviewing. We had several interviews last weekend and still a couple more to go.

Before I talk about the meetings with our potential doulas, I may need to tell you what a doula does just in case some of you may not know. A doula is a labor coach, someone who is present during the birth to support both the mom and dad. In case you want to read more about doulas, here is a couple links:

Here is a link to Doulas of North America, talking about what doulas do.

So after meeting with the first doula, James and I agreed that we both really liked her and thought she would be a great fit. James said he did not want to meet anymore doulas, that she was the one. I told James we can't just go with the first one without meeting the other doulas. I told him that it is like a girl shopping for her wedding dress. The first one you put on, may be the perfect one that you end up buying but you have to try on others to make sure. So we met with two other doulas and James was right, they were not as great of a fit for us as the first doula we met.

We have one more doula to meet before we make the very important decision of who will support us through the birth and help welcome Baby G into the world! We will keep you posted.

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