Thursday, April 25, 2013

Goodbye Potluck

Today at work my co-workers had a goodbye and best wishes potluck for me and Baby G. They know me oh so well, there was nothing but chocolate desserts. It was so sweet of them and I appreciated it very much.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Maternity Pictures

Here are a few maternity pictures we took when I was 35 weeks. Today I am 38 weeks!
So after a few pictures with James, I took some belly pictures. I really thought that I would never take the nude belly pictures, but that day I was feeling good and I said why not. Not sure what I will ever do with these pictures. Maybe I will look back on them one day and think I looked great pregnant even though now all I feel is huge. So here are just a couple.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Happy Birthday Matilda

Even though I missed Matilda's 5th birthday, (Yes, I totally forgot about it until a day later. Let's hope I'm a better mom to Baby G.) we still celebrated this past weekend with a very yummy cake that she really enjoyed and shared with Toby.
I figured we should celebrate now before Matilda becomes a big sister and all our attention is focused on her little sister. Plus she had a really bad birthday week. She had a very bad allergic reaction to something. We are thinking she got bit by something because the allergic reaction started after coming in from outside.
She kept me up all night, with a swollen face, huge whelps on her head and body and hives on her belly. I felt so bad for her. She was miserable. But I told her she is just trying to prepare me for those late nights with Baby G.
This is after the swelling went down in her face. But you can still see the whelps on the side of her body. Doesn't she look so sad?
And poor Toby, he just got a bad hair cut.
I just don't understand why she would leave the hair on his ears so long. They are already so big, did she really need to make them look even bigger.
So I got out the scissors and gave him another hair cut. His ears actually look really good now. Maybe I missed my calling as a dog groomer.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Baby G's Nursery

The baby furniture has finally arrived!

The furniture arrived last weekend but there were a few minor issues. Well at the time I didn't think they were very minor. I freaked out!
First of all, one of the dressers had a chunk of wood split off from the underside of the top ledge. No big deal, the company said they would send a whole new dresser. Then James measured the other, bigger dresser/changing table and decided that it would not fit up the stairs. We should send it all back. That is when I freaked out!
So after an evening of freaking out and wondering where I was going to find a GOOD crib set in a short amount of time, James had his friend Andrew come over the next day to attempt bringing the dresser/changing table up the stairs. You wouldn't believe it, it worked out perfectly. Well, besides the few scratches on the walls. Those can be fixed. I calmed down at that point and was much happier. Until I realized that one of the drawers was broken. So I called the company once again and explained that the dresser/changing table is not coming back down those stairs for a long time so they need to find a way of fixing the drawer without having to send a whole new dresser. So they are just sending a part. Should be simple, but we shall see. Nothing else has been simple with this furniture.
So this weekend James put the crib together and I was able to begin decorating the nursery, putting things away and organizing.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

36 Weeks!

I honestly can not believe I am 36 weeks today! Time sure does fly!
Last week Doc said she has already dropped in the head down position. You never know, she could be here before we know it.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

I'm In Heavan

I found the Cadbury eggs! I found them at a local pharmacy, Bartell's. I got as many as I could grab and now I am pretty sick of them. I of course shared some at work since I had been talking to my co-workers about my egg hunt (no pun intended).

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cravings Making Me Crazy

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted but I have been on a mission. (Well this isn't the main reason I have not posted. Life has been crazy lately!) I have been trying to find Cadbury eggs!

Yes, I know I am trying to find them after Easter, but isn't that the best time? All the candy is half off. Also my craving for Cadbury eggs began on Sunday. I was thinking back to when I was a kid and the Easter bunny would visit. Cadbury eggs were always my favorite candy in my basket.

I have been to so many stores on my hunt and can not find one. I want the original with the white and yellow on the inside. I just can't understand why they even make these new ones with carmel, snickers, chocolate and all this other crazy stuff on the inside.

I was at Target tonight and this is all I found for Cadbury eggs, Chocolate Creme egg. Yes, I picked up a box because this will have to do for tonight. But I have to find an original one! I can not imagine another year without a Cadbury egg!