Monday, November 12, 2012

Our First Purchase For Baby G

No we are not having twins! But we couldn't pass up a great deal. So we ended up with his and hers BOB strollers.
James and I went to an awesome mall that we recently discovered thanks to my friend Jill. I wanted to go there strictly to go to H&M to check out their maternity clothes. While exploring the mall, we found REI, which we can never pass up a look around. We had no intentions of looking at their strollers but they were right by the front door. We happen to see two strollers behind the rock climbing area and made our way back there to see why they were stuck in the corner. We saw that they were used and had a written price tag of $150 on each stroller. James immediately said that we should purchase both of them. We couldn't pass this deal up, they were practically brand new. We were getting two strollers for not even the price of one. 
So we asked the first sales associate and she told us we could not purchase them until the ding and dent sale. After some persuasion from James, she decided to ask another sales associate who said of course you can purchase them. So we took them straight to the register before they could change their mind. 

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