Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Extravaganza

The start of Thanksgiving Break: Monday Nov. 19

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted but Baby G, James and I have been very busy traveling back to the great Midwest. Even though it was a wonderful trip, which was spent spending time with family and friends, it started off a little rocky.

We were running late because of bad traffic and we got to the terminal just in time to board the plane. I played the pregnancy card for the first time right when we got on the plane and asked the flight attendant if I could please use the bathroom and have a glass of water. She was much nicer than she would have been if I wasn't pregnant.

The flight took off and there was horrible turbulence. It was so bad for the first two hours of the flight that no one, not even the flight attendants, could get out of their seats. From the very beginning of the flight I felt so nauseous and I was freaking out just a little bit because I was trying my hardest not to throw up. James being the wonderful, supportive husband that he is was telling me to get it together and how could I give birth if I can't even deal with this. Well I showed him! I could not hold it anymore. I threw up all that water that the flight attendant gave me right into the little white bag. I was not only embarrassed but very impressed that I had such good aim and I did not make a mess at all.

Even though the flight to Chicago was the worst flight I have ever had, it was all worth it when I got to hang out the next day with my best friend Kevin and great friend Sara.

To end the wonderful day in Chicago, we had dinner at Cafe Ba-Ba-Reeba with one of our favorite couples, Brandon and Rita, and one of the best little boys we know Danny.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Our First Purchase For Baby G

No we are not having twins! But we couldn't pass up a great deal. So we ended up with his and hers BOB strollers.
James and I went to an awesome mall that we recently discovered thanks to my friend Jill. I wanted to go there strictly to go to H&M to check out their maternity clothes. While exploring the mall, we found REI, which we can never pass up a look around. We had no intentions of looking at their strollers but they were right by the front door. We happen to see two strollers behind the rock climbing area and made our way back there to see why they were stuck in the corner. We saw that they were used and had a written price tag of $150 on each stroller. James immediately said that we should purchase both of them. We couldn't pass this deal up, they were practically brand new. We were getting two strollers for not even the price of one. 
So we asked the first sales associate and she told us we could not purchase them until the ding and dent sale. After some persuasion from James, she decided to ask another sales associate who said of course you can purchase them. So we took them straight to the register before they could change their mind. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Change Has Come

So James comes home a couple days ago with this disgusting box of crackers from Costco. I know the only reason he bought them was for the name. But I truly think that lately this is how he feels about me. That I have absolutely gone crackers! I wouldn't say 100% of the time, maybe just 30% of the time. But I don't think that has changed much from before I was pregnant.
However what has changed is my appetite and my memory. For many of you who know me, you already know that I am one of the most indecisive people when it comes to food. Well, ladies and gentlemen, let me just tell you it has gotten worse. I finally have a good appetite but man I can not decide what I want to eat to save my life. It drives James absolutely crackers!
Also, everybody that knows me knows that I usually can't go through a story without at least saying one time, "What was I saying? I can't remember." Well, I say it so much more now that nobody probably wants to have conversations with me. I have got serious pregnant brain. But what is sad is that I had it before I got pregnant. Now it is just so much worse!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's Never Too Early To Start Looking

James and I decided you can never start too early checking out our options on car seats and strollers. First we went to a local high end store called Kids Club that only sales UPPAbaby (expensive) strollers. Debbie the sales lady was really pushing this stroller hard by saying it could fit up to three children. I think Debbie knew exactly how to sale this one to James considering he wants a whole army of children.

But James ended up leaving with this....

So James and I then ventured to the suburbs to Babies R Us to look at the more reasonable strollers and car seats. Until this point, I really haven't done much research on strollers and car seats so you can imagine how overwhelming this was for me. These are a couple strollers that we checked out.

But James ended up leaving with a video game. So the moral to this story is that James is a big kid. I can never take him to a toy store without him leaving with a toy. As for me, I am still as confused as before about which stroller to purchase and I am going to have two kids on my hands when Baby G arrives.