Thursday, November 20, 2014

One and a Half

Z at 18 months: so much to say and so little time because this little girl keeps me busy, busy busy.

She is so busy and has so much energy, it is almost impossible to get a picture of her. 

But the good thing is, there is never a dull moment. She is such a little entertainer and social butterfly. She rarely meets a stranger. She loves music and loves to dance. Here is just one of our many dance parties we have a night with Dada.

Her favorite musical instruments are the drumsticks. She actually keeps a pretty good beat hitting them together.

Z is so sweet and loving. She still loves to give kisses. Matilda gets most of them.

But it's not all fun and loving all the time. The feistiness is starting to come out.

Her favorite toy is Violet. Violet is a puppy dog that sings songs about her best friend Zelena.

I have been doing my best to attempt art projects with her. Finger painting was a big fail the other day.

First she had to taste it.

But she just didn't like the paint on her fingers.

Z at a year and a half is just plain silly. She is saying new words every day. As of lately her favorite word is no and most of the time no means no and yes. It amazes me how everything can be so exciting to her. The excitement is shown by her loudly shouting, "OOOOOO". Grocery shopping, Costco and music/dance class are at the top of that list right now. Walking has started to become running, which then usually ends in a fall. And she is continuing to get taller (still don't know where the length is coming from). 34" which puts her in the 97th percentile and 24 lbs. puts her in the 46th percentile.

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