Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween Trick or Treating

For Z's last Halloween that we probably get to choose her costume, we decided to dress her up as her favorite animal: a puppy dog.

We started the day off at her weekly music/dance class. She seemed to really enjoy seeing her friends dressed up in their costumes.

Next on the agenda, after nap, was trick or treating at the local businesses in downtown Ballard. I was totally amazed that Z knew exactly how this whole trick or treating thing works. As soon as someone put a bucket of candy in front of her, she grabbed one piece and put it right in her pumpkin bag. 

Then it was time to go trick or treating with Dad around the neighborhood.

And their off ...

(I think they made it to two houses.)

She is back to enjoy her first sucker. Which she found interesting for about 10 licks and then decided she had enough.

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