Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Traveling South

The last time Z and I will take a trip down south until after baby #2 arrives, was spent soaking up all the time we could with family and friends. 

Z went to her first country wedding with Grandpa.

While the ceremony was going on Z and I found the perfect little wooden chair on the porch.

Here's our cousin, the groom, Anthony and his bride. The little ring bearer definitely stole the show.

Z met her cousin Noah for the first time (the little boy). She has met her cousin Phil many times before.

We also got to meet Noah's little brother Jonah for the first time.

There was a trip taken to Toys R Us with Nana, where Z ended up with a lot of toys and books in her basket.

We visited our cousin Ryan's new restaurant where I got to enjoy one of my favorite southern sandwiches.

Z got lots of loving from Nana

and she blew lots of bubbles for her in the bathtub.

But most of the time at Nana's house, Z just wanted to be around Peachie.

Z got to play with my friend Erin's girls. I think Mary Jane and Charlotte would have kept Z forever if they could.

We went and visited Mel's new little girl Rivers. Z was very interested in the one week old, just standing over her and waving for most of the time we were there.

But when she wasn't mesmerized by the adorable little baby, she was watching Uncle Jared and Stella play telephone.

 All and all it was a great trip that went by way too fast. Great memories are always made with my family and friends and it saddens me to know that we won't be traveling south for a little while. But when we do, there will be 2 little munchkins!

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