Friday, August 22, 2014

15 Months and Growing

Weight: 21 lbs. 7.4 oz - 27.89 percentile
Length: 32 in. - 89.99 percentile (Seriously, where is she getting the height from?)
Head Circumference: 17.75 in. - 28.73 percentile

For the first time, Z really enjoyed the toys in the doctor's office. She insisted on wearing this crown.

She is such a little goof ball and way too much fun. She enjoys walking with her walker and has recently started standing by herself for short periods of time. She is still obsessed with dogs and every time she sees one there is a lot of "woofs" that come out of her mouth. She has started saying "Mmmmm" for a cow and kind of a "Quack" for a duck. She still loves books and her favorite food remains as fruit and cheese. She has to climb all the time, mostly stairs. She has concurred going up and down the stairs. She loves to give kisses, which her dad and I really enjoy too. She can point to her eyes, nose, teeth, hair and ears, when asked. And yes, she still loves her left hand two middle fingers almost as much as she loves Toby and Matilda. It is amazing how much she lights up when I tell her we are going to see Toby and Matilda.

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