Saturday, August 30, 2014

Michigan Party

Almost every day we were in Michigan there was a party/get-together for us to attend. So it was a very busy trip but lots of fun at the same time. After the first day wasted due to the red-eye we took the night before and Z refused to sleep, it was party time. There was a party at Bill and Jenny's house with great company, tasty food, lots of kiddos and a bouncy house. 

Z got in the bouncy house with Dad before all the big kids got there.

But the big kids didn't stop Z from climbing up the ladder

and almost going down the slide.

The entrance made a perfect little slide for Z.

Then Maggie joined in on the fun

and was kind enough to take Z down the big slide.

Z made new friends

and hung out with old ones (well this was their second time hanging out but there are many more memories to be made).

James got to practice, with Asher, how it is going to be to have 2 kiddos.

The next day it was time to party again for Cecilia's first birthday.

And guess what? There was another bouncy house that Z really enjoyed.

Z spent lots of time with Grandma.

I happen to catch Z standing by herself on camera!

Then it was time for Meghan's birthday party on Monday at CJ Barrymore's.

There was a lot more time spent with Grandma while all the big kids went on the go-karts.

In between all the partying, time was spent just hanging out with the fam

and friends.

Lots of fun was had in Michigan, but back to Seattle we went, not on a red-eye (which we will probably never do again).

Z has to make sure she reads the instructions of the plane before taking off.

Friday, August 22, 2014

15 Months and Growing

Weight: 21 lbs. 7.4 oz - 27.89 percentile
Length: 32 in. - 89.99 percentile (Seriously, where is she getting the height from?)
Head Circumference: 17.75 in. - 28.73 percentile

For the first time, Z really enjoyed the toys in the doctor's office. She insisted on wearing this crown.

She is such a little goof ball and way too much fun. She enjoys walking with her walker and has recently started standing by herself for short periods of time. She is still obsessed with dogs and every time she sees one there is a lot of "woofs" that come out of her mouth. She has started saying "Mmmmm" for a cow and kind of a "Quack" for a duck. She still loves books and her favorite food remains as fruit and cheese. She has to climb all the time, mostly stairs. She has concurred going up and down the stairs. She loves to give kisses, which her dad and I really enjoy too. She can point to her eyes, nose, teeth, hair and ears, when asked. And yes, she still loves her left hand two middle fingers almost as much as she loves Toby and Matilda. It is amazing how much she lights up when I tell her we are going to see Toby and Matilda.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Throwback Wednesday...

I was going through my videos on my phone and ran across my favorite video of all time. I can't believe I didn't post this video when it happened! It was taken in New Orleans when we were down there for Christmas, so I guess I was just too busy during the holidays.

It's hard not to smile when watching this video and it is so crazy to see how much Z has changed.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Traveling South

The last time Z and I will take a trip down south until after baby #2 arrives, was spent soaking up all the time we could with family and friends. 

Z went to her first country wedding with Grandpa.

While the ceremony was going on Z and I found the perfect little wooden chair on the porch.

Here's our cousin, the groom, Anthony and his bride. The little ring bearer definitely stole the show.

Z met her cousin Noah for the first time (the little boy). She has met her cousin Phil many times before.

We also got to meet Noah's little brother Jonah for the first time.

There was a trip taken to Toys R Us with Nana, where Z ended up with a lot of toys and books in her basket.

We visited our cousin Ryan's new restaurant where I got to enjoy one of my favorite southern sandwiches.

Z got lots of loving from Nana

and she blew lots of bubbles for her in the bathtub.

But most of the time at Nana's house, Z just wanted to be around Peachie.

Z got to play with my friend Erin's girls. I think Mary Jane and Charlotte would have kept Z forever if they could.

We went and visited Mel's new little girl Rivers. Z was very interested in the one week old, just standing over her and waving for most of the time we were there.

But when she wasn't mesmerized by the adorable little baby, she was watching Uncle Jared and Stella play telephone.

 All and all it was a great trip that went by way too fast. Great memories are always made with my family and friends and it saddens me to know that we won't be traveling south for a little while. But when we do, there will be 2 little munchkins!