Friday, May 30, 2014

First and Final Birthday Celebration for Z

I am FINALLY getting around to posting Z's first birthday celebration we had down south with my parents, family and friends. Considering Z is obsessed with dogs, we went with that as the theme.

Because everybody asked, that is not a backwards E on the front of the cake. It is the buckle of the dog leash.

Cookies, not dog bones ;)

Cousins meeting for the first time. Alexis absolutely adored Z.
Mama Kay and her girls.

These two are just practicing for when their baby sister gets here.

Talking with Cousin Jane.
Telling Grandpa to take off her skirt.

This was happy Z and then everything started going down hill for here. The tears would not stop flowing. (We found out the next day at the doctor's office, it was due to her getting a virus.)

She dug in to her cake, crying the whole time.

Friday, May 23, 2014

12 Months

Z had her 12 month check up yesterday and these were her stats: 
Head Circumference: 17.5 - 31.6 percentile
Weight: 18 lbs. 7 oz. - 11.3 percentile
Height: 30 in. - 78.2 percentile

Z is still long but doc was pleased to see her weight went up, as it should, considering the child loves to eat, anything and everything. Fruit and cheese are still her favorites.
She has a third tooth coming in on the bottom which will make a total of 7.
Most anything that is not her toys is what she loves to play with; containers, water bottles, keys, shoes and pretty much anything she can get her hands on. She does love to play with balls. She loves to throw them at you and receive them back by a roll on the floor. Most of all, she would prefer her books over anything. Her love of books makes me happy. I really hope it continues. 
She loves to carry things in her hand as she scoots around the floor (mostly small balls). Yes, she is still scooting. She has stood by herself holding on to something 3 times. 

Most of all she is just a happy, giggly, lovable little girl ...

who has many funny faces these days.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Carnival Celebration

We celebrated Z's birthday in Seattle on Saturday, May 17th.

It was a Carnival celebration with an unbelievable amount of Carnival food. Who am I kidding, James was in charge of the food. It is no surprise that we could have fed an army with all the hamburgers, hot dogs, polish sausages, gyros, philly cheesesteaks, corn dogs and pretzels we had.

This was the kids table.

 Dessert table.

The big hit of the party was the rice crispy treats that look like popcorn. Andrew had his fair share. 

And here is the birthday girl, busy eating a cookie.

Some of Z's PEPS friends came to play.

Of course we sang Happy Birthday ...

and Z would

NOT touch that cake.

So I decided to get a picture.

Then we attempted a family picture,

and again.

Well, that's the best we could do.

Oh and don't forget about Z's hat she didn't want to wear.

The highlight of the party was that Grandma was in town visiting.

After everyone left, Z opened a few gifts,

shirtless, of course.

Overall the party was a success. Z did great with only having one nap that day and everybody drank, eat and had a good time.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

One Year Ago Today

Instead of telling you all about the amazing new things that Z is doing at the age of 1, I am going to get off the computer and continue to spend her first birthday with her having fun and celebrating.

(Another post to come of our trip to the Zoo today and of course all those great things she is doing at 12 months.)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


It is so hard to imagine that one year ago, on this date, we were on our way to the hospital to have our baby girl. I had predicted that she would come on the 14th, in hopes that she would have her birthday exactly one month before James's (June 14th) which is exactly one month before mine (July 14th). But Z had to be a little trendsetter and show up on the 15th and give me a really long and hard labor. Oh well, we still love her the same. Probably even more for being herself. But she did show us by being 6 lbs. 14 oz., which is James's birthday. Funny, how things happen!

I wouldn't change any of it for the world, that day or any other day in the past year. Z has brought so much joy, happiness, fulfillment and love that I didn't know I could possibly have, into my life. 

As we celebrate Z's first birthday tomorrow (well the party is on Saturday), and us making it as parents a year, I am going to give her a great big hug and kiss and know how lucky I am to be her mom.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

To all the mom's, I hope you have an enjoyable and relaxing day. 
My first Mother's Day has been just that. I have been pampered, cooked for and showered with gifts. I could not be more thankful and blessed.

A very special Mother's Day wish to this wonderful Mom and Grandmother.

She is such a beautiful, loving, caring, understanding (except for the fact that I live in Seattle), fun, and just plain AWESOME Mom. She is fantastic as a Nana too. Z and I are two lucky ladies to call her Mom and Nana. I strive each day to be as wonderful of a mom to Z as she is to me. 

We love you so much MOM and are so happy we were able to celebrate with you (a little early) Z's first birthday and Mother's day.
(More pics of that to come.)