Tuesday, April 15, 2014

11 Months

I am sure every mother says this but, "Where did the time go?" It has finally hit me that Z is about to be a year old. I am really having a hard time wrapping my brain around it but at the same time having so much fun with her.

Not sure if you can tell the excitement from this picture but Toby just walked past. She is still dog-crazy as ever. In fact, her first word was DOG. I was reading a book that we have read 100 times and she picked up a flap and pointed to the picture of the dog and said, "Dog". I was shocked and of course James didn't believe me because I couldn't get her to say it again on cue. 
Sometimes she says doggy and other times it is just Du-Du-Du-Du-Du. Other words that she says are Dad and Hi.

She still loves those two middle fingers. They are her comfort, especially when she is in a new environment.

She is still scooting around on her bottom and she is fast. I don't think she will crawl the traditional way. I think she wants to be different and this is her way of crawling. The thing that is so funny is that she can get up on her knees she just chooses not to. My prediction is that there is no walking in the near future because she shows no interest in standing. She will get there eventually. I am in no rush.
I am enjoying every moment with this sweet little girl.

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