Sunday, April 27, 2014


I can't even begin to count how many times a day James and I say, "Peek-a-boo Z, Where are you? There you are!" 

Yes, Z has learned to play peek-a-boo herself and she does it over and over and over again. It never gets old to her. Good thing it is so darn cute. It is pretty funny because she technically doesn't cover up her eyes, ever. Here is a little clip for you to see ...

Another first that has happened in the past week is that Z has finally learned to go from her stomach to sitting. The first time she discovered this was in her crib. I, for some reason, happened to be watching the monitor and got to see the whole thing in action. 

The problem is she wants to practice her new skill every time I lay her down in her crib, which means she has been refusing her naps. Which means I have to continue going in the room and laying her back down until she finally goes to sleep. Oh well, thus is life. Glad she accomplished a new skill!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Quack, Quack, Quack

As promised, here are the pictures of Z with the ducks. Remember, they were suppose to be bunnies for Easter but the bunny ran away. This was just the first of many things that went wrong with these photos. 

Next, was that I had high hopes that I would love this photographer we were trying out for the first time and she would be my new go-to photo lady but unfortunately we are still looking for one of those.

You may be thinking that they are pretty good but a lot of the pictures I had to crop and put some photoshop touches on them myself in order for them to look decent.

Maybe I'm just to picky. What do you think?

I'm just not sure what's up with the bike in the background. Cool bike but she said there would be Easter props to use and what about bike says Easter?

Of course Z called the ducks doggies, as she does every animal, and the photographer thought she said duckies. She was very impressed so I just let her believe that. 

This one is my favorite. You can see on Z's face how much she is loving these ducks.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Day

A couple days late but, Happy Easter! 
Z woke up to find her Easter basket along with the dog's and her dad's. 

After a few minutes of peeking around and throwing everything out of her basket, she was more interested in what Toby and Matilda had.

But of course Matilda wouldn't let Z near her bone.

Later on that day, James cooked a feast and we had friends over to enjoy.

Oh, and let's don't forget about Easter Eve. This is the time to visit the Easter bunny. No lines.

Z wasn't too sure about the BIG Bunny waving at her but she sat in his lap anyway. With fingers in her mouth and eyebrows furrowed, she took a couple pictures.

Then I went up close to try and get a better picture with my phone and the Easter bunny pulled her closer to him and she lost it.

Glad I captured it! These are always the best pictures with the Easter bunny.

We had our own little bunny at home.  A much cuter one ...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Tulip Festival

I have attended the Skagit Valley's Tulip Festival 3 out of the 4 years living in Seattle and I wasn't going to let Z miss it this year. So Aubrey, Z and I took the hour and half drive in the nasty weather to Skagit Valley to see the fields of beautiful Tulips. Z doesn't do as well on road trips as she use to but thank goodness for Mum-Mum's and Aubrey in the front seat feeding them to her. And we made it ...

When Z realized what was behind her, it was all over.

Until next year Tulip Festival

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

11 Months

I am sure every mother says this but, "Where did the time go?" It has finally hit me that Z is about to be a year old. I am really having a hard time wrapping my brain around it but at the same time having so much fun with her.

Not sure if you can tell the excitement from this picture but Toby just walked past. She is still dog-crazy as ever. In fact, her first word was DOG. I was reading a book that we have read 100 times and she picked up a flap and pointed to the picture of the dog and said, "Dog". I was shocked and of course James didn't believe me because I couldn't get her to say it again on cue. 
Sometimes she says doggy and other times it is just Du-Du-Du-Du-Du. Other words that she says are Dad and Hi.

She still loves those two middle fingers. They are her comfort, especially when she is in a new environment.

She is still scooting around on her bottom and she is fast. I don't think she will crawl the traditional way. I think she wants to be different and this is her way of crawling. The thing that is so funny is that she can get up on her knees she just chooses not to. My prediction is that there is no walking in the near future because she shows no interest in standing. She will get there eventually. I am in no rush.
I am enjoying every moment with this sweet little girl.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

B & B

The weekend consisted of a Birthday party and Bunnies, well it was suppose to be bunnies but ducks had to do since the bunny had better places to be. 

We went to our next door neighbor, Simon's 2nd birthday on Saturday. After having some snacks, Z was off to find new friends.

Ms. Independent didn't even look back at mom or dad.

She couldn't find a two year old that wanted to play so she decided cars would work just fine.

Today we drove with Jill and her baby Jo to Bonney Lake to have pictures taken with live bunnies.

Z and Jo played in the grass while they waited for their mini photo session.

Upon arriving we found out that the good bunny ran away. So the photographer's ducks saved the day. 

Pictures of Z with the ducks to come. 
Z loved the ducks! Thought they were the best. I was terrified they were going to bite her because she kept trying to grab their bill. One did nibble at her leg a little, which she thought was hilarious. 

Oh yea, and I got a new due over the weekend.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Out of Commission

So this is what has been going on since Saturday.

Yep, poor Z has been so sick and all she has wanted to do is sleep on top of me or be held. While I have loved every minute of the cuddling, I have felt so bad for her having 104 fever for four days, ear infection, sinuses swollen shut and cutting two teeth on the top.

But yesterday evening the fever subsided and Z started acting a little bit like herself again.

Until the middle of the night last night. No fever, but still not feeling good.

And this is the face I got this morning ...

She is going to be so mad at me one day for posting this pic.
She is on the road to recovery so hopefully there will be some fun post to come.