Sunday, December 21, 2014

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer

So it wasn't Rudolph, but there were two reindeer at Swanson's Nursery where we met Evan, Charlotte and their mom's for a play date. 

This guy explained that every kid gets one raisin to feed to a reindeer and only one because they are like candy to the reindeer's, and who can eat a bunch of candy?!

It's a really bad picture, but after Z attempted to eat the raisin herself, I was shocked in how well she held her hand out flat with the raisin in it so the reindeer could eat it off her hand. 

Then it was time to feed the camel some bread, which made me nervous because they have some serious teeth. It didn't phase Z one bit. The child has no fear. 

This will probably be the closest Z come's to going sledding this year so she took full advantage of it and pretended to be speeding down a mountain.

The big sleigh was obviously for Santa and picture taking. Great pose but still can't get her to smile for the camera.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Gobble Gobble

I got crafty this year with Z and sent grandparents these fun little turkey cards.

Even though we did not have our traditional Thanksgiving in Michigan, we still had a very fun and slammed packed Thanksgiving with friends that we consider family.

Z of course had to spend the first half of the day in her Lions outfit to help her Dada cheer them on.

Then after her nap she changed into her Thanksgiving outfit.

There was a fun game of Sorry being played while waiting on the food to be cooked. 

Z helped Rita out.

Z spent most of the day loving on her favorite person, Rita.

While I spent most of the day shoveling food in my mouth. Well as much as my stomach, that has no room, would hold.

Of course there was T.V. watching, video game playing, food coma napping

and Thanksgiving selfies.

Z got a wonderful surprise Thanksgiving night. Grandma came to visit! The next day, it snowed, which did not impress Z at all.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

One and a Half

Z at 18 months: so much to say and so little time because this little girl keeps me busy, busy busy.

She is so busy and has so much energy, it is almost impossible to get a picture of her. 

But the good thing is, there is never a dull moment. She is such a little entertainer and social butterfly. She rarely meets a stranger. She loves music and loves to dance. Here is just one of our many dance parties we have a night with Dada.

Her favorite musical instruments are the drumsticks. She actually keeps a pretty good beat hitting them together.

Z is so sweet and loving. She still loves to give kisses. Matilda gets most of them.

But it's not all fun and loving all the time. The feistiness is starting to come out.

Her favorite toy is Violet. Violet is a puppy dog that sings songs about her best friend Zelena.

I have been doing my best to attempt art projects with her. Finger painting was a big fail the other day.

First she had to taste it.

But she just didn't like the paint on her fingers.

Z at a year and a half is just plain silly. She is saying new words every day. As of lately her favorite word is no and most of the time no means no and yes. It amazes me how everything can be so exciting to her. The excitement is shown by her loudly shouting, "OOOOOO". Grocery shopping, Costco and music/dance class are at the top of that list right now. Walking has started to become running, which then usually ends in a fall. And she is continuing to get taller (still don't know where the length is coming from). 34" which puts her in the 97th percentile and 24 lbs. puts her in the 46th percentile.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Fall Family Photos

We had the pleasure of meeting and working with an amazing photographer, Carmen Miller, who will hopefully do Baby #2's newborn pictures. 

Here's a sneak peek of our Family/Maternity pictures.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween Trick or Treating

For Z's last Halloween that we probably get to choose her costume, we decided to dress her up as her favorite animal: a puppy dog.

We started the day off at her weekly music/dance class. She seemed to really enjoy seeing her friends dressed up in their costumes.

Next on the agenda, after nap, was trick or treating at the local businesses in downtown Ballard. I was totally amazed that Z knew exactly how this whole trick or treating thing works. As soon as someone put a bucket of candy in front of her, she grabbed one piece and put it right in her pumpkin bag. 

Then it was time to go trick or treating with Dad around the neighborhood.

And their off ...

(I think they made it to two houses.)

She is back to enjoy her first sucker. Which she found interesting for about 10 licks and then decided she had enough.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pumpkin Picking

While Nana was in town visiting, we decided to get a jump start on the Fall festivities and go to the pumpkin patch. We visited the same pumpkin patch as last year but this year was a lot more exciting with Z being able to actually participate in the activities. 

The petting farm was a big hit. Z loved the ones she couldn't pet, the ducks and the very talkative goose, Ryan Gooseling.

The hay maze was still a little tricky due to Z's unsteady walking.

We had fun walking around the pumpkin patch, picking pumpkins for the front porch.

Hopefully this was just the first of a couple visits to the Pumpkin Patch this year. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Growing Belly

I have failed this pregnancy in posting regular pictures of my growing belly. Probably because I don't want to see how much bigger I am this time around. So no comparison happening here, just a pic of me at 26 weeks.

Thanks Sissy for reminding me that I needed to do this post.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

16 Months and Walking

Two days before Z turned 16 months, James was cooking dinner in the kitchen, Z was sitting on the floor playing and who knows what I was doing in the kitchen. We were all there and Z stood up on her own as she has been doing for two weeks at this point. But this time was different, she took five steps toward me. I squealed and was more excited than a kid on Christmas morning. Z is walking!!

This is a video from the next morning after Z started walking ...

Every day Z gets stronger and stronger and is walking for longer distances.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Celebrating #4

Happy Anniversary to an amazing husband and wonderful dad!
Time really does fly when your having fun!

What a fun wedding night! Thanks to all our family and friends for making it so much fun. I say we need to all go back to New Orleans for a redo on our 10th anniversary. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Morning Snuggles With The Bump

Z loves to snuggle with her baby sister (to her, it's mom's big belly). 

Oh did I forget to mention on the blog (with how busy and exhausted I have been) that we are having another girl! I am so excited for Z to have a little sister. Hopefully one day they will be best friends. 

And I know, I think I'm exhausted now, just wait for #2 to come along. I don't even know what exhaustion is. 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Michigan Party

Almost every day we were in Michigan there was a party/get-together for us to attend. So it was a very busy trip but lots of fun at the same time. After the first day wasted due to the red-eye we took the night before and Z refused to sleep, it was party time. There was a party at Bill and Jenny's house with great company, tasty food, lots of kiddos and a bouncy house. 

Z got in the bouncy house with Dad before all the big kids got there.

But the big kids didn't stop Z from climbing up the ladder

and almost going down the slide.

The entrance made a perfect little slide for Z.

Then Maggie joined in on the fun

and was kind enough to take Z down the big slide.

Z made new friends

and hung out with old ones (well this was their second time hanging out but there are many more memories to be made).

James got to practice, with Asher, how it is going to be to have 2 kiddos.

The next day it was time to party again for Cecilia's first birthday.

And guess what? There was another bouncy house that Z really enjoyed.

Z spent lots of time with Grandma.

I happen to catch Z standing by herself on camera!

Then it was time for Meghan's birthday party on Monday at CJ Barrymore's.

There was a lot more time spent with Grandma while all the big kids went on the go-karts.

In between all the partying, time was spent just hanging out with the fam

and friends.

Lots of fun was had in Michigan, but back to Seattle we went, not on a red-eye (which we will probably never do again).

Z has to make sure she reads the instructions of the plane before taking off.