Thursday, August 15, 2013

Happy 3 Months Zelena!

My how things change in just a month! Z is growing and changing so fast. Every day is more and more fun. Z loves to be in her car seat and go for car rides and long walks in her stroller. She loves when mom sings songs to her. Dad says she really likes reggae music and Bjork. She is smiling, laughing and talking (when I say talk of course you know I mean baby talk) all the time. She still doesn't like tummy time but mom insists she does it every day. She is getting great control of her head. She loves to chew on her hands. Sometimes she tries to put her whole fist in her mouth. Her new favorite toy is the O-ball because it is so easy for her to grab on to. She still loves her swing. Many times, the swing is the only way she will nap during the day. She loves taking baths and splashing the water with her feet. She is a very relaxed and easy going baby.

Below is a video of Z "talking" while chewing on Sophie. She is usually a lot louder and talking a lot more but I think she knows when I am video taping and she tries not to show off too much. 

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