Monday, August 26, 2013

Story Time

For the past couple Monday's, Zelena and I have enjoyed infant story time at our local library. There is usually a lot more singing songs than reading books and today there was even bubble blowing. Z seems to really enjoy it.

Z has found her tongue! So this has been her face lately as she
twist and twirls her tongue around in her mouth.
This is Z's serious face.  When the bubbles started flying, she got serious.
There are so many babies that attend story time. This is only a quarter of the people that are there. 

Story time was a lot of fun and obviously hard work. Z fell asleep in my arms before we could even make it to the car.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Daddy's Pick

James picked out this onesie (if you can't tell what it says, it is the band Sublime) for Z and was very excited today to realize it now fits her. 

Notice in the right picture Z is doing tummy time and not throwing a fit. Tummy time is getting better. Instead of 5 minutes, she maybe last 10 before she gets fussy and has had enough. 

James told me before I left on our walk today that I should probably put a bow in her hair because the onesie makes her look like a boy. I forgot about the bow and guess what happen? A lady walking by the stroller told me "he" is so cute. I just laughed and said thanks. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Vashon Island

Z took her first ferry ride this Saturday.
It was only a  10 minute ferry ride over to Vashon Island from West Seattle.
Once we got there we had lunch with Wes and Jancy at The Hardware Store. After lunch we drove around and explored the island. We went to the lighthouse and admired the beautiful views of the ocean.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Happy 3 Months Zelena!

My how things change in just a month! Z is growing and changing so fast. Every day is more and more fun. Z loves to be in her car seat and go for car rides and long walks in her stroller. She loves when mom sings songs to her. Dad says she really likes reggae music and Bjork. She is smiling, laughing and talking (when I say talk of course you know I mean baby talk) all the time. She still doesn't like tummy time but mom insists she does it every day. She is getting great control of her head. She loves to chew on her hands. Sometimes she tries to put her whole fist in her mouth. Her new favorite toy is the O-ball because it is so easy for her to grab on to. She still loves her swing. Many times, the swing is the only way she will nap during the day. She loves taking baths and splashing the water with her feet. She is a very relaxed and easy going baby.

Below is a video of Z "talking" while chewing on Sophie. She is usually a lot louder and talking a lot more but I think she knows when I am video taping and she tries not to show off too much. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

1, 2, 3 Strikes Your Up!

We brought Z to her first Mariners game on Saturday night. It wasn't just any Mariners game but it happened to be the night they were inducting Ken Griffey Jr. into the Hall of Fame. A very special night that one day (if she even cares anything about baseball) we will be able to tell her she was there to see.

There was more than the usual crowd at the Mariners game due to the induction. So I think the noise freaked Z out just a little to begin with. But she still seemed pretty relaxed sporting her Tigers onesie. Even though we live in Seattle, James will make sure she supports her Detroit sports (and of course the New Orleans Saints).

Z was already so tired when we got to the game because she had been fighting sleep all day. We had a BBQ at our house before the game so I guess there was too much going on for her to miss. She made it through about three innings before she started getting fussy. I knew the only way to get her to sleep would be to walk around with her in the carrier. So that is what I did and it worked until I decided to sit down in my sit. So I walked around some more and she fell fast asleep again. So I thought, until I tried to sit down again. Needless to say I spent half of the game up instead of sitting in my seat.
It was still a great experience and won't be the last baseball game we attend as a family.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Baby Sing-Along

Z and I attended our first Baby Sing-Along today! She seemed to really enjoy it, even though her eyes were half way closed through the whole hour.

Z had just fallen asleep on the way to the sing-along class. She woke up once we got there and didn't make a peep the whole entire time, just taking in all the action. I think she was really amused by the hippy lady with the enormous drum that had colorful hair hanging off of it. Weird, I know, but we do live in Seattle. The most interesting song to me was the dolphin song. We pretended our babies were dolphins (in a pod) while swaying them in the air on their tummies. Oh, the things moms do to entertain their babies!

At the very end of class, we sang a lullaby while swaying the babies. Needless to say she fell asleep and slept for three hours.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Uncle Eric Came to Visit

I'm sure many of you heard Uncle Eric came to visit Seattle and Miss. Zelena for the first time. It was very late when Eric flew in so Uncle Eric met his niece in the morning and of course Z greeted him with smiles.

Not only was it Uncle Eric's first time to Seattle but it was Z and his first time on top of the Space Needle.

The view was spectacular! We were able to see Mt. Rainier in the distance on such a beautiful day.

We had such a great time with Uncle Eric here. Z and I showed him around the town while James showed him the water.

We can't wait for Uncle Eric to come back to Seattle to visit. Eric is such a wonderful brother to me and I know he is going to be a wonderful Uncle to Z. 
1982 Mary and Eric
2013 Zelena and Uncle Eric