Thursday, January 31, 2013

26 Weeks and The Fun Begins

Besides the fact that it is getting harder to bend over, I took the disgusting glucose test on Monday and it came back slightly elevated. So know I get the pleasure of taking the 3 hour glucose test tomorrow morning.

The 3 hour test consist of fasting from midnight the night before. Next you go in and they take your blood, then you get to drink the sugary goodness drink. For the next 3 hours after that they take your blood every hour. Doesn't that sound like fun!

On Monday when I got to work from the doctor's office, I was talking to a co-worker and she was telling me all about taking the 3 hour glucose test and that she passed out. She said I really hope you don't have to take it. Well about an hour after that conversation the nurse called and told me the "great" news. So cross your fingers that I don't pass out tomorrow!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Southern Baby Shower

Last weekend I traveled down to Slidell, Louisiana for our first baby shower thrown by my mother and wonderful friends. It was such a beautiful shower and a whole lot of fun!

The delicious cake made by my sweet Mama Kay who is in the picture above with her daughter and my best friend Sissy.
The gorgeous flowers that Melissa brought. This picture does not do the center piece justice. It was absolutely stunning!
Here's Melissa with her two girls, Reese and Ryan and Sissy's daughter Stella. Baby G is going to have lots of little girls to play with.
Everyone signed a matte around Baby G's ultrasound picture. Something to frame and put in her nursery along with her diaper cake made by Angela.
Angela with her sweet baby boy Jonas.
The MC of the party, Jared! He provided the shower with lots of fun games.
The bottle chugging game! The only problem was Jared bought level 1 nipples, which ended up being pretty funny and of course challenging for the adults. I think the kids were able to chug more than the adults.
Jared gathering words from everybody in order to read the birth story of Baby G. If it happens the way the story went then I will be riding to the hospital in my hot air balloon.
Time for the opening of the gifts! So it wouldn't be boring, everyone played baby bingo while I opened the gifts.
Baby G got a lot of really cute things!
My mother-in-law and sister-in-law even sent a cute little outfit from Michigan since they were not able to make it to the shower.
James is face timing on the phone to tell everyone hello and thank you.
Jared showing everyone my baby picture.
The two preggo ladies! Kristye is a good friend from college who is due with a little girl also right around the same time.
The host and their kiddos.
Great way to end a shower, loving on Baby G. I can not thank my friends and family enough for making this such a special day.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

25 Weeks Today

Sorry for the delay in post but I have been having too much fun in the south enjoying the weather and baby G's first baby shower.

It has been such an amazing weekend filled with family, friends and fun. It is so hard to leave and so strange to think that the next time I come back to Louisiana I will be traveling with my baby girl, outside the womb.

My mom had her own photo shoot with me before I left to go back to Seattle.

Stay tuned for more fun pics of baby G's baby shower.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Another Ultrasound

Ok, I know you are probably tired of looking at ultrasound pictures because they all look the same. But I am a proud mama and I love to show off little Baby G even before she comes out of the belly.

During the 20 week ultrasound they were not able to get a good view of her heart and her facial features so I had to schedule another ultrasound, which was done yesterday. I didn't mind at all because that just meant I got to see my little girl again.

Everything looked great with the heart but they still had a hard time getting the frontal facial features because little miss shy thing had her arm over her face the whole time.

They did get some great profile pictures....

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Seattle's Best

23 weeks today! Baby G is weighing in at about a pound, and at 8 inches long she is starting to really look like a baby. My baby book says you can compare her size to a bag of coffee beans. I felt that comparison is perfect considering we live in a city where your taste in coffee is more important than your taste in fashion, hence the flannel shirt I am wearing.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sleeping Like A Rock

I was doing my research and trying to figure out the perfect pregnancy pillow to buy since I have been waking up in the morning with a very sore back. I just couldn't purchase it until I found the perfect one. Well James beat me to it. One of my Christmas presents was the most enormous pillow I have ever seen.
If you know James you know his motto is Go Big Or Go Home. Well that is what he did and this pillow is amazing! I have been drooling all over myself, I have been sleeping so well. The only problem is James complains because it takes up way to much of the bed but as long as I am sleeping he is happy.

I highly recommend this pillow to anyone who is pregnant or may be pregnant in the future. This pillow is so fantastic and comfy that look who I found sleeping in it today.

Matilda is a pillow expert. She can find a really comfortable pillow from a mile away.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

5 Days of Christmas

Even though our Christmas was off to a rough start, it quickly got a lot better. We had such a wonderful trip down south visiting with the family. It was such a great time celebrating Christmas for several days and the excitement of just finding out the sex of Baby G.

On the First day of Christmas (actual Christmas day) we celebrated Christmas with the dogs, opening presents and getting packed for our trip.


 On the Second Day of Christmas we spent time with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins. I had my fair share of my Aunt's famous Christmas candy: fudge, pralines and my favorite chocolate peanut butter balls. I think Baby G really liked the candy too!
On the Third Day of Christmas we celebrated with my mom, Bob and brother Eric by eating a huge Christmas dinner then opening up presents. Baby G got the cutest little pink and black socks with pearls and a bow on them from her grandmother. Those are going to have to be for a special occasion.
 On the Fourth Day of Christmas we went into New Orleans and had a delicious dinner at Commander's Palace with the family. After dinner we went to the quarter to meet up with friends. While James and Eric had their drinks I treated Baby G and I to beignets at Cafe Du Monde.
On the Fifth Day of Christmas we celebrated with my Dad and brother by opening up presents and having a Cajun lunch at Copeland's.
Baby G got a very special present from her grandpa. She got her very first piece of jewelry, a ring. 
So precious!
Baby G is already one very loved baby. Her grandparents and parents are very excited in anticipation of her arrival.