Saturday, May 21, 2016

Hot Diggity Dog

Z turned 3!

The only thing Z repeatedly requested for her birthday was a dinosaur. So we got her a blow up dinosaur the size of her and this awesome dinosaur costume that she put on the morning of her birthday and refused to take off until her party started that afternoon. She also received a rock collection set because she has become quite the rock collector these days.

When starting to plan her birthday a month ago, Z requested a Mickey Mouse Party. I tried to go with the old-school Mickey Mouse because one of her favorite things to watch on YouTube is the old-school Mickey Mouse cartoons that came out even before my time. 

My first time making cupcakes and frosting from scratch. I had several people ask me where I bought them from so I guess they came out pretty good. I also made Z's miniature birthday cake which she requested to be strawberry, instead of chocolate like the cupcakes.

Z had such a great time at her party playing with all her friends. I love the little friendships that she is starting to develop. 

Time for her to blow out her candles. The little faces she was making and holding her hands together while everybody was singing to her was hilarious.

She blew out 2 candles then 1 without any help this year. I was very impressed.

Then she enjoyed the cookies on top of her cake. I don't think she actually ever tasted the cake part.

Overall it was a great party with our friends celebrating Z's birthday. She is such a peculiar, marches to the beat of her drum, lovable, crazy at times, hilarious, fearless and energetic little girl that James and I couldn't love more. She is such a character that cracks us up all the time. As she grows older, I hope she continues to keep each and every one of these unique personality traits. Let's just hope she loses the crying tantrums ;)

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