Sunday, December 27, 2015

Ho Ho Ho

Merry Christmas!

Santa pics were priceless this year. Not to sound like a horrible mom, but just as I hoped they would be. When the kids are scared of Santa, those are always the best pics. Poor Z was terrified of the jolly ole man and Eliza has just started feeding off of Z.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent baking cookies and James making a lot of delicious food of course.

After the girls went to bed I had way too much fun putting together Z's dollhouse while James put together the bike and the table and chairs.

Everything was put together, wrapped and ready for the girls to wake up in the morning.

Christmas Day

Here is a video of the girls first coming downstairs and seeing all their gifts.

This was the first year Z really enjoyed opening presents. Z didn't give anyone time to open their own presents before she was helping them do it. Her daddy taught her some sound effects to go along with her mad unwrapping skills.

Thanks to Z, Eliza didn't get to open any of her gifts or be the first one to play with her toys. But she didn't mind because this is what she enjoyed most about Christmas. Tissue Paper!

Christmas dinner was spent at Brandon and Rita's house opening presents, eating lamb lollipops and consuming alcoholic beverages. Z came home with a fish and a American Girl doll. What a lucky girl. 

This is what happens when I ask the girls if I can get a picture of them.

I would say Eliza's first Christmas was a success. Until next year ... I am sure it will be even crazier.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Almost There

11 months! It is absolutely insane to me that Eliza is almost a year old. I know every mother says it and I said the same thing with Z but the second child has really shown me how fast time can fly. I really have to stop sometimes and tell myself to enjoy the moment because they don't last long.

The moments I do stop and enjoy Eliza is showing me all the new things she is doing every day. She is clapping her hands, dancing to music, and her newest is pulling herself up to standing, which she did for the first time the exact day she turned 11 months.

Can you tell how excited Z is that her sister is standing? : )

Eliza finally got her third tooth right beside the other two on the bottom. With those three teeth, she still loves to eat anything you put in front of her, moaning and enjoying every bite of it. The girl really loves food.

Eliza has so much to say. Wish I knew what she was saying. 
She has also discovered her lungs. Screaming happens mainly when she wants something and when we are in public, of course. Since Eliza is screaming, Z takes it upon herself now to scream as well. Can I say, "I have a CRAZY life and of course I love it (most of the time)."

Here are the many faces of Eliza:

Oh those eyebrows crack me up.