Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Crazy Seven

7 months already?!

It is crazy in our house, which is why I am always a few days late posting Eliza's monthly updates. This is usually what I am dealing with, a crazy toddler and just an adorable baby that wants to do what her sister does.

Eliza is on her tummy, by choice, most of the time. When she is laid on her back, she rolls right to her stomach and scoots and rolls until she gets to where she wants to be. She can't keep her hands to herself. She is always reaching for something. 

As much as Eliza loves to kick her legs and jump around, she can be really laid back at times. 

Her little personality is starting to shine. She is generally a very happy baby with a "great" smile as her Daddy likes to say. She is very observant and at times just sits back and takes it all in, especially what her sister is doing. 

Eliza still wakes up to eat at least twice a night, on a good night. She is teething terribly, as she has been doing for the past three or four months, but still no teeth are coming through. Since turning six months she has refused to take a bottle (which means no more nights away for this mamma), so it's a good thing she has really taken to solids. She has thurley enjoyed avocado, sweet potatoes, carrorts, peas, green beans, peaches, strawberries and bananas. 

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