Sunday, January 18, 2015

Welcome Little Eliza Shea

Or should I say BIG Eliza! She came into this world at a whopping 8 lbs. 6.6 oz. and 21 in.

Eliza was born on Jan. 8, 2015 at 12:42p.m. Exactly 8 days late, which was the same as Z. She gave us all quite the scare when making her appearance. Due to me going from 7 to 10 centimeters in 20 minutes, she did not have time to turn properly and her shoulder got stuck on my pelvis (yes, as painful as it sounds). The doctor's took 3 minutes to get her out, which seemed like eternity to me and was definitely the scariest moment of my life. But the thing that matters the most now is Eliza is ok and we are adjusting to a family of 4.

First family picture, minus Z.
No, I did not craft myself a necklace before giving birth. It is a bead for every birth my doula attended this past year. My doula put it on me and I completely forgot that I had it on. 
James cutting the umbilical cord.


I was totally shocked by the red hair.

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