Saturday, March 22, 2014

Family Northwest Adventure

We went on our first family hike last weekend. 

Getting ready ...

And we are off ...

Andrew giving James a break from wearing Z.

This was just a short pit stop to take a quick family pic and take in the beauty of the NW.

Finally after some serious rock climbing and one man down (James, due to back injury), we made it to the pay off: Teneriffe Falls a.k.a. Kamikaze Falls.

One of fifty pics that Z was actually looking at the camera. She was totally mesmerized by the water fall.

On the way back down the mountain ...

Nearing the end

The great news is, Z is a fantastic baby to go on a hike with. She enjoyed being carried in the carrier and was able to take two naps and take in the beautiful scenery. We will for sure go on another hike soon. Well, once James's back gets better. 

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