Friday, March 28, 2014

Just Scooting Along

As promised, in Z's 10 month post, here is a video of our little scuttlebutt (as James likes to call her) and the way she get's around these days.

And just for giggles, here is a video of Z in the bathtub tonight trying to do her scooting.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Family Northwest Adventure

We went on our first family hike last weekend. 

Getting ready ...

And we are off ...

Andrew giving James a break from wearing Z.

This was just a short pit stop to take a quick family pic and take in the beauty of the NW.

Finally after some serious rock climbing and one man down (James, due to back injury), we made it to the pay off: Teneriffe Falls a.k.a. Kamikaze Falls.

One of fifty pics that Z was actually looking at the camera. She was totally mesmerized by the water fall.

On the way back down the mountain ...

Nearing the end

The great news is, Z is a fantastic baby to go on a hike with. She enjoyed being carried in the carrier and was able to take two naps and take in the beautiful scenery. We will for sure go on another hike soon. Well, once James's back gets better. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Double Digits

10 Months

We had a busy day yesterday (post to come on our adventure) so I am a day late posting. Better late than never.

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, Z wore her shamrock leggings.

10 months, WOW! I can't believe it. A lot has happened in the past month. Her love of dogs and books has grown tremendously. Pretty much becoming an obsession. So give her a book of dogs and you've got her attention. It has to be real pictures of dogs and those or a lot harder to find for children than you think. We have a couple that I can read without looking at the words because we have read them so many times. She could sit for hours and read books, no joke. Her latest thing is that she likes to turn the pages and she will do it at the right time, when I am done reading. The other night she flipped the book back over to the cover for me to read it again. We ended  up reading that book 4 times in a row. It was a Matthew Van Fleet book, Sniff. Those books are the best. She loves to interact with books by feeling and flipping open the flaps. 

As for food, she loves fruit, but grapes are her favorite right now. While eating, Z is very vocal in letting you know that she is really enjoying her food. 

Z has learned to drink out of a straw. She loves to drink out of her Zoli BOT sippy cup.

Z has mastered the art of scooting on her bottom and on her belly. (Videos of this to come.) She would prefer to be on her bottom still. She can also lift herself up onto her knees but she hasn't yet figured out how to uncross her feet. We are working on it.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Special Visitor

Sorry for the lack of post lately, but there is a good reason. Nana has been in town! 

Nana loves to put bows in Z's hair, just like she did mine.

Z wonders why?

Nana joined in on our routine we have for the week.

Monday: Story time

Tuesday: Nurturing Pathways, Creative Dance.

Z waving hi to Nana.

Nana even joined in on the fun and gave Z a blanket ride.

Wednesday: swimming.

Thursday and Friday: lots of play (and some shopping, which is not a normal routine).

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fat Tuesday

Happy National Pancake Day

Z had her first blueberry pancakes on Saturday. I think she enjoyed the fruit more. 

To go along with the theme of the day, Happy "Fat" Tuesday.
Can't wait for Z to go to her first Mardi Gras, maybe in a couple years.