Saturday, February 15, 2014

9 Months

This is one of the Valentine's presents James bought for Z.

Just a little excessive right? Well you know James, a lot of things he does is just a little excessive. Of course, in a very good way because Z was in heaven in all those balls.

But on to the really good stuff. Z is 9 months old today!

Those two teeth on the bottom are all the way out and she has two more on the top that have made their appearance but taking their sweet time to come completely out. She loves to laugh and is most the time a very happy and content baby. She is a fantastic sleeper who sleeps 12 hours a night and two naps during the day. It is hard for her to nap anywhere but her crib especially since we made the switch to the big girl car seat and it is not as easy to sleep in. She is pretty much done with pureed food already because she loves to pick things up and feed herself. She will try pretty much anything you put on her tray. Her favorites lately are mango, blueberries, cucumbers and she still likes to be fed yogurt. She is a very vocal baby. Her favorite things to say lately are Ga Ga, Da Da and screech to the top of her lungs. Z really doesn't have much interest in crawling but she did just recently start going around in circles while on her stomach. She hasn't quite figured out moving forward yet and gets a little frustrated when she moves backwards.

I can't even begin to describe how much I love this little love bug. She brings her dad and I so much joy and happiness every day.

And did I forget to mention that she is a bundle of fun.

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