Monday, February 24, 2014


Zelena had her 9 month doctor's appointment today. She had to get three shots that she didn't get at her 6 month check-up. There were a few more tears than at 6 months but the tears still didn't last long.

Z is giving me the look of, "Mom, you are up to something. What is about to happen?"

Everything else was great except when the doctor thought that the nurse made a mistake on weighing Z. So we weighed her again and, nope, it was right. She has not gained much weight but boy has she grown in length.

Look at those long legs. That's why she is in 12 month pants but can still wear a 6 month sweater.

So here are Z's stats: Weight 16 lbs. 14 oz. - 12th percentile (she has only gained 1.9 since 6 months)
Length 28.5 - 82nd percentile (but she has grown 2.5 in. since 6 months)
Head Circumference 17.25 - 40th percentile
Dr. Doroshow doesn't seemed worried at all about Z not gaining much weight. She thinks that the next time she see's Z(which will be at a year), the weight will have caught up. That put my mind at ease because when I saw the scale for the third time, my heart was pounding and memories of her weight gaining issues as an infant came rushing back.
Z's looking at the doc. probably thinking, "I agree, tell mom to chill out."

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Books, Buttons and Buckles

I don't know how I could have forgotten to write in Z's 9 month blog post about her fascination with books, buttons, buckles, shoelaces and zippers. But I did, so now it gets a blog post of its own.

As I mentioned in the last post, James went a little overboard on the presents for Valentine's day. Because of Z's fascination with these things, he decided to buy her 100 toys (not really) that have buckles, buttons, snaps, zippers, laces, etc.

James didn't buy her any books. We have plenty of those.
Looking at books with animals are her favorite.

Z loves to point at the words in books. She does it every time and on every page when I am reading to her.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

9 Months

This is one of the Valentine's presents James bought for Z.

Just a little excessive right? Well you know James, a lot of things he does is just a little excessive. Of course, in a very good way because Z was in heaven in all those balls.

But on to the really good stuff. Z is 9 months old today!

Those two teeth on the bottom are all the way out and she has two more on the top that have made their appearance but taking their sweet time to come completely out. She loves to laugh and is most the time a very happy and content baby. She is a fantastic sleeper who sleeps 12 hours a night and two naps during the day. It is hard for her to nap anywhere but her crib especially since we made the switch to the big girl car seat and it is not as easy to sleep in. She is pretty much done with pureed food already because she loves to pick things up and feed herself. She will try pretty much anything you put on her tray. Her favorites lately are mango, blueberries, cucumbers and she still likes to be fed yogurt. She is a very vocal baby. Her favorite things to say lately are Ga Ga, Da Da and screech to the top of her lungs. Z really doesn't have much interest in crawling but she did just recently start going around in circles while on her stomach. She hasn't quite figured out moving forward yet and gets a little frustrated when she moves backwards.

I can't even begin to describe how much I love this little love bug. She brings her dad and I so much joy and happiness every day.

And did I forget to mention that she is a bundle of fun.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Z's First Valentine's Day

Started with a picture.

Then it continued at a friend's house.
Eating yummy food with Adair and making special Valentine's for Daddy.

When we got home Z found a bunch of Valentine's (toys) James.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Splish Splash

On Wednesday mornings Z and I make a two minute drive (one day Z will wake up early enough from her nap so we can walk there) down to Evans pool at Greenlake for her swim lessons. 
I haven't had a chance to get pictures of her in action in the pool yet because it's just been me swimming with her so far. But I did get some pics of Z in the locker room before swimming, where all the naked ladies gawk over her. 




Sunday, February 9, 2014

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow ...

Sorry Midwesterner friends and family, we just had the first snow in Seattle this winter that actually stuck. This was not Z's first time seeing snow, but it was her first time to play in the snow.

Then our neighbor came over and helped Z build her own little snowman.

The tilt of the head and smile look. It is the cutest!

Knocking it over again and again was the best part.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Daddy Weekend Fun

Boat show and Super Bowl makes for a fun daddy-daughter weekend.

Only thing Z cared about during the Super Bowl was figuring out how to feed Matilda her food. 

My heart will always belong to the Saints but it has been pretty cool to be apart of such a great cities victory. It has been absolutely HAWK crazy here. It is also neat that Z's first Super Bowl was won by her home town.