Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Fun

I had to get in a trip to the pumpkin patch with Z before it was too late. Considering she couldn't participate in anything except picture taking, I searched out the pumpkin patch with the best food and made the 45 minute drive to Snohomish, The Farm at Swan's Trail.

The first thing we spotted were the pumpkins, so we stopped to take pictures.

We of course had to put on Z's Halloween (lamb) costume to get some pictures.

A big thank you to Alison and Erica for coming with us to help capture Z's first pumpkin patch experience on camera.

After the photo shoot, we decided to check out the place and the food. I ended up getting some pumpkin chili with cornbread and a pumpkin bar. Delicious! Well worth the drive.

There were lots of things for kids to do: hayrides, corn maze, petting zoo, duck races, pig show, miniature golf, big bouncy thing and sack slide. When Z get's older, this is for sure where we will be going for some pumpkin patch fun.

Before leaving we couldn't forget to pick up some pumpkins.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Sneak Peek A BOO

My PEPS (mom's) group decided that we were going to have the babe's come in their Halloween costumes for our meeting on Thursday night since we will not be meeting next week on Halloween. So here is a sneak peek of Z in her costume, along with all her little adorable friends.

It is just too much! They are all so adorable in their costumes.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Last Minute Family Vacation ...

Those are the best! So when James asked me on Friday if Z and I wanted to leave on Tuesday to go to Chicago/Detroit with him, I said, "Sure". I got us packed and I had no time to get nervous or worry about how Z was going to do on a midnight flight (she did fantastic, slept the whole time).

As soon as we drove into Michigan from Chicago and got settled into our hotel, Z's cousins came over to meet her for the first time.

They couldn't wait to hold Z.

We were very busy, while in Michigan.

We went to Noah and Meghan's swim lessons with Grandma,

spent time with Aunt Meghan,

went to Red Robin with the family

and Z got to go to her first birthday party that was for cousin Johnny.

We not only spent time with family, but got to visit lots of friends too.

We went over to Bill, Jenny, Ethan and Anna's house for dinner.

Another night we had dinner with Jillian and Mike.

Z got to meet the Spurgeon ladies, Maizey and Lucy (with their awesome glow-in-the-dark skeleton outfits on) for the first time.

Maizey thought it was hilarious to lay beside Z and imitate her wiggling her arms and legs. Z probably thought it was just normal what she was doing and was wondering why it was so funny. I of course thought it was adorable.

We got to visit with one of my best friends, Kelly and her husband Todd.

We met their adorable dog Millie, who loved Z and didn't want to see her leave.

Last but not least we stopped by Chicago on our way home so Z could meet her Uncle Kev.

What a great trip! We can't wait to go back to Chicago/Detroit in just a few weeks for Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

5 Months Old ...

and exploring something new every day.

Lately it has been her tongue,

sometimes it is her feet.

But she still likes her two fingers most of all.

She loves to take baths, play with her rubber ducky and splash the water around with her hands and feet.

She is absolutely fascinated with Toby and Matilda. No matter what Z is doing or what kind of mood she is in, if Matilda or Toby walk by, she follows them with her eyes/head and gives them a great big smile.

She is also trying to grab them now. Oh poor Toby and Matilda, they have a long road ahead.

After that photo shoot with me, Z was wiped out. Even though she sleeps in her crib all night long, naps are preferred in mom and dad's bed. Not sure why, but we are working on the crib napping.

Monday, October 14, 2013


I have been waiting until we got back ALL of Zelena's newborn pictures to post them to the blog. Now that she will be 5 months tomorrow, we finally got them back. Yay!! So I thought what better time than to post some of my favorite Zelena pictures that were not on the birth announcement.

And to end on a funny note ...

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Story Time with Librarian Amy

Every Monday Z and I join some mommy and baby friends at the Ballard library for story time with librarian Amy, who is my favorite librarian. She is amazing with the babies and toddlers.

We got the privilege of Amy coming to our house to do a special story time just for PEPS (mom's support group) on Thursday evening.

Librarian Amy loves to read the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Thank you so much to Caroline for setting story time up. Librarian Amy came with a lot helpful information on literacy for the mom's. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Hair, Hair, Hair Everywhere

Not only is Matilda shedding everywhere (that is a given, she sheds year round, all the time) but Z and I have been shedding like crazy the past several weeks. Poor James (who, as you know, has no hair) is so tired of all the hair everywhere.

I had read that when moms start losing their hair, several months after giving birth, baby can too. I guess I really didn't think it would happen at the exact same time, but it did, like clock work.

I pulled up a picture of Z as a newborn to compare and see how much hair she has actually lost. It is amazing! I'm afraid she is going to be completely bald soon. I am also very curious to see if her hair will be a different color when it grows back.

Poor Z, she looks like she has a bad comb over.
Good thing it is starting to get cold and we can cover up her bald head with cute hats and hopefully people will stop calling her a he.