Sunday, July 28, 2013

Beautiful Sunset

Z enjoyed her first sunset on Lake Union, Friday night when we went out to dinner with friends.
Maybe it was the beautiful view that kept her quiet in her car seat for half the dinner.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Best Friends

When Z first showed up at Matilda's once peaceful house, she wasn't too sure what to think of her. It didn't take long for Matilda to discover that Z was someone new to lick and show lots of love to.

And so the friendship begins ...
Matilda is starting to lick Z on top of her head. Matilda's favorite spot to lick Z is her toes when she is in her bouncer or her swing. Matilda has a hard time catching Z's toes when she is in her swing.
I think Z is in learning from Matilda and she wants to lick too.
They are both looking at me like, "What? Did we do something?"
Love these two so much and Toby of course.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Like Mother, Unlike Daughter

Mama Pam was able to salvage, from Hurricane Katrina, one of my infant dresses. She gave this dress to me at my first baby shower. I thought it was very special and couldn't wait to try it on my daughter. 

Z knew this was a very special moment for her mommy so she gave her best serious look. 

Mama Pam also saved some pictures from when I was a baby. I wanted to post  one so you could see how much Z doesn't look like me. She looks just like her daddy, but everybody already knew that. 

I will say, we do have the same hair and we can both make a good serious face. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

2 Months

I can't believe Z is already 2 months old! Everyday with her is getting more and more fun!

She is such a happy baby. She smiles all the time. She is recognizing things and people more and more. She follows you with her eyes now. 
The other day she was looking at her monkey hanging on her carseat and cracking up. 

She has also discovered her hands. She is trying so hard to put her thumb in her mouth but just doesn't have it figured out yet. 
I was able to catch her doing this on video.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

My First Birthday as a Mother

As I was changing Z's poopy diaper at 6:30 this morning, I was thinking, "Oh how life changes." This birthday is dramatically different than last years and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. My first birthday as a mom was better than ever. Now I have a beautiful daughter to celebrate with and I am sure birthday's will continue to get better and better every year.

Not only did I get to spend a wonderful day with my daughter but I got to spend it as a family of three, with my wonderful husband.

To top off an already great day, my mom was in town and was able to celebrate my birthday with me for the first time in several years.

As for my birthday cake, it was an assortment of cupcakes ...

with one special one, a Bastille Day cupcake.

To keep the Bastille day theme going, James brought me to a French fusion restaurant, The Whales Win. Which was our first date night since Z was born.
I am looking forward to 31 and all the good times and adventures I have ahead. Cheers!

Friday, July 12, 2013

2 Month Check Up

Zelena had THE doctor's appointment that I have been dreading for days. It was her 2 month check up along with her vaccines. 

As for the check up, Z is right on schedule. Her weight was at 9 lbs. 6 oz. which put her in the 25th percentile. She is in the 90th percentile for length and her head is in the 50th percentile. Thank goodness her head caught up to her body because the first doctor's appointment her head was in the 90th percentile. 

So after all the fun stuff, then came the vaccines. Mama Pam was there for my moral support and helped me out by holding Z because I just couldn't do it. I was really surprised at how well Z did. Of course she screamed that cry you never want to hear but as soon as it was over she immediately stopped crying and fell fast asleep. She slept most of the day except one time when she woke up extremely fussy.

But we made it through it and all Z has to show for it is a Crayon and Snoopy band aid. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Daddy Time

Since Daddy unfortunately has to travel for work sometimes, Z and I make sure to face time him every night before we go to bed. Here is Daddy giving Z a big kiss before saying goodnight.

I also send him pictures through out the day and today I couldn't resist sending this picture because Z just looked so darn cute. 

She is just becoming all cheeks! I could just kiss them all day long!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sleepy Time

One of my favorite times of the day is when we bring Z into our bed in the morning. 

And she sleeps like a little angel.

It just melts my heart to see these two sleeping.

Two peas in a pod.

Another favorite part of my day is when I get a chance to lay down and take a nap with Z.

We all take a family nap together.

Friday, July 5, 2013

We Miss You Grandma

Grandma came to visit for a week and I know Z is going to miss her so much. 

Grandma enjoyed rocking and spending time with baby Z!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

It is absolutely adorable the personality that little Ms. Z is starting to show. She is smiling all the time especially after she gets a full tummy. 

Z and I had a little photo shoot in her swimsuit since she didn't get to actually use it in water. 
Thank you Aunt Meaghan for my first swimsuit!

Of course Z had to have a cover up.

Grandma Came to Visit

Grandma (Cynthia) came to Seattle to see me for the first time. She has been having so much fun spending time with me. She even took me on a shopping spree. I have enough outfits to wear one for each day of the summer.