Saturday, November 26, 2016

Rozlynn Jae Finally Arrived!

Little Ms. Rozie did not want to come out. She was obviously very cozy inside. But after going 10 days past my Nov. 1st due date and not being dilated at all, it was finally time to be induced. As much as I did not want to be induced, I was so ready to meet my third baby girl. Once I was induced, it took several hours to get to 6cm but then labor went very fast. I went from 6cm to 10cm in little over an hour then 3 pushes and she was out! It was definitely the fastest and easiest labor/birth of all three girls. Not to say that labor and birth is easy at all. But there were no complications as there were with both of my previous labors and births.

Rozlynn arrived on 11.11.16 at 7:18 a.m. weighing 8 lbs 2 oz and 21 inches long.

James went and picked up Z, Eliza and their Nana to come meet Rozlynn for the first time.

Once we got home with Rozlynn or "the baby" (as Z and Eliza like to call her), Z was obsessed with her. All she ask to do every 5 minutes is to hold "the baby". Z is very loving and gentle with her and always wanting to help.

Eliza on the other hand, doesn't have a clue. She is just in her own little world.

Then somehow this happened, Rozlynn is already a week old. I know this time as a newborn can fly by especially with two toddlers. I am trying so hard to enjoy every moment, newborn smell and snuggle.

Just for a little fun, here is a picture of all the girls when they were born. Poor Eliza's picture is when she first came out but Z and Rozlynn's pictures, they were a day old. 

Do you think they look alike?!