Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Easter Weekend

I know I am several weeks late but I am finally getting around to posting the rest of the pictures from Easter weekend. It all started Friday afternoon with Z and I dying Easter eggs.

Me trying to be the Seattle mom that I am not used all natural dye and the eggs kind of turned out a little funky. Also the fact that I only had brown eggs to dye didn't really help the situation. But Z didn't know any different. She just really enjoyed dropping the eggs in the dye and making a little splash.

On Saturday afternoon we had a little Easter egg hunt in the backyard for the girls. Z and her obsession with plastic eggs over the past year, really enjoyed this and has asked several times since if it could be Easter again so she could find eggs with stuff inside.

Eliza has to do everything her big sister does so there were some healthy snacks in several of the eggs for her. Of course Z didn't mind giving those to Eliza.

On Saturday night the Easter bunny came to visit and the girls woke up to their baskets full on Sunday morning.

James, Toby and Matilda also got a visit from the Easter bunny.

Z was excited for Matilda to get her treats from the Easter bunny.

On Sunday afternoon we had friends and family over for a huge feast. These are the best pictures I could get of the girls in their Easter dresses.