Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Nine Months And Doing Fine

Eliza turned 9 months and is still as happy and giggly as ever.

She is sitting up for as long as she likes now, which isn't very long considering she just wants to go, go go. She goes right to her stomach and army crawls to anything she can grab to put in her mouth. You would be surprised how fast she can army crawl. She frequently gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. It won't be long before she is full on crawling.

Grabbing at everything and anything especially if it is in her big sister's hands. Speaking of grabbing. She wants to grab and eat anything her sister is eating and she gets angry if she can't have it. No more purees for Eliza. She is pretty much eating anything you put in front of her, cut up in to small pieces of course because she only has two teeth on the bottom.

Z actually wanted to take a picture for the first time EVER! I'm pretty sure it was just because I was trying to take Eliza's picture.

Notice all the toys beside Eliza and this is what she chooses to play with. Typical!

Z doing what she does best: distracting Eliza. They are just too cute together.

At Eliza's nine month check up she weighed in at 17 lbs. 9 oz. putting her in the 28th percentile. 
Her height was 28 inches which is in the 62nd percentile.