Friday, September 11, 2015

Five Years

Every year on this day, I look back at our wedding pictures and there is always a different picture that I like more than I liked the past year. Funny how that changes. But I know one thing that will never change, it is the love and appreciation I have for this man. Thank you James​ for being such a wonderful husband and father. I was completely smitten by you in this picture and I still am today. 
Happy Anniversary!

And then of course there are those pictures that always make me laugh every year I look at them.

Notice my face on the next picture.

And there were so many more fun pics because it was such a fun time celebrating with all our friends and family.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Golden Month

It must be Eliza's golden month, because she was 8 months old on September 8th. To me, every month has been golden (well, except maybe the first two sleepless months of her life). She is such a happy, loving and easy going baby. She has brought so much joy to our lives and completely changed me for the better. Plus she is just so darn cute and silly.

I like to think this is what her selfie face would look like.

Eliza is changing so much each month! Not only is she growing like crazy, but her two bottom teeth finally started poking through just three days before she turned 8 months. She can sit up for almost a minute, if that, before she flops on her stomach and starts army crawling around. Yes, she is on the move, reaching and grabbing for everything. Why am I talking about it, I will just show you.

Eliza is eating everything in puree form. Name it, she has probably ate it. But unlike Z, she actually enjoys her food pureed. She really likes to suck the food out of the pouches herself.

Her mouth is constantly open because she always has something to say. She has started to say Mamma, mainly when she is fussy and needs something.