Friday, May 15, 2015


What a difference a year can make! When Z turned one, she had just started crawling (from scooting), could only stand by holding on to things and the only word she said was dog or doggie. Now she is running everywhere, climbing everything and saying more words than I can count. 
Z's favorite things at TWO years old are:
paw patrol
reading books (over and over again)
cheddar cheese
playing ball
jumping (on her trampoline or bounce house)
playing outside and in water
playing in her kitchen
Toby and Matilda and dogs in general
Eliza (baby)
going for walks with the dogs in her pink car

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Four Months

Four months and still growing long: 97th percentile for height, 26th percentile for weight and usually one sweet smile on her face. Eliza loves her big sister. She sits in her bouncer and follows Z around with her eyes, giggling at every little thing she does. In the past month Eliza is starting to grab things, including her feet. She is starting to roll to her side while on her back and is trying real hard to roll over while on her stomach. Looks like she will be on the move before we know it. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mama's Day

It was a special Mother's Day this year with Grandma G in town. 

We started off the day with brunch and bowling. 

And it ended with this sweet girl giving me the best Mother's Day present ever: 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. 

And of course we can't forget to wish a very special Mother's Day to Eliza and Z's Nana and my wonderful Mother. I don't know what I would do without her. Thank you for teaching me how to be the best mom I can be. I fill truly blessed every day to be the Mama of my two little girls.