Sunday, February 8, 2015


Month one and Eliza is starting to smile when you talk to her. She is very active with her arms and legs, so that's why the swaddle is my best friend to get her to sleep. I have found that things that I eat are making her have a stomach ache. So no dairy and spice for this mommy. She has started to suck on her thumb, but I am pushing for the pacifier considering I already have one finger sucker who makes it impossible to take a picture. It is very hard right now to tame the red hair and the baby acne. She loves to be held and I spend every chance I get snuggling with her. We feel very blessed with this sweet girl and hope the other months don't fly by as fast as this one did.

And we are done ...

Saturday, February 7, 2015

2 Under 2

Everybody continues to ask how it is going with 2 kiddos so close in age. With the help of both grandmother's the past 3 weeks, it hasn't been too bad. A few days that I was by myself with the girls, I thought at first it was difficult to manage my time between both of them considering Z still has so many needs herself. It would help if I had four hands. But each day continues to get easier and easier as I learn how to handle both girls at the same time. I just have to take it day by day if not hour by hour and minute by minute.

This picture was taken by our photographer, Carmen and was part of Eliza's newborn session. 

I usually lay Eliza in Z's crib while I am getting Z dressed in the morning. Z decided she wanted to sit beside the crib and hold Eliza's hand. Z sat there for several minutes watching Eliza and holding her hand as my heart melted. So far Z has been a very sweet and helpful big sister. Z doesn't seem to be jealous of Eliza getting my attention. But the adjustment to a family of 4 definetly has left Z acting out at some points. Hopefully it is just one of the many phases I have to look forward to.