Friday, September 26, 2014

Growing Belly

I have failed this pregnancy in posting regular pictures of my growing belly. Probably because I don't want to see how much bigger I am this time around. So no comparison happening here, just a pic of me at 26 weeks.

Thanks Sissy for reminding me that I needed to do this post.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

16 Months and Walking

Two days before Z turned 16 months, James was cooking dinner in the kitchen, Z was sitting on the floor playing and who knows what I was doing in the kitchen. We were all there and Z stood up on her own as she has been doing for two weeks at this point. But this time was different, she took five steps toward me. I squealed and was more excited than a kid on Christmas morning. Z is walking!!

This is a video from the next morning after Z started walking ...

Every day Z gets stronger and stronger and is walking for longer distances.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Celebrating #4

Happy Anniversary to an amazing husband and wonderful dad!
Time really does fly when your having fun!

What a fun wedding night! Thanks to all our family and friends for making it so much fun. I say we need to all go back to New Orleans for a redo on our 10th anniversary. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Morning Snuggles With The Bump

Z loves to snuggle with her baby sister (to her, it's mom's big belly). 

Oh did I forget to mention on the blog (with how busy and exhausted I have been) that we are having another girl! I am so excited for Z to have a little sister. Hopefully one day they will be best friends. 

And I know, I think I'm exhausted now, just wait for #2 to come along. I don't even know what exhaustion is.