Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Here We Go Again

I wanted to do this post a week ago, when I was 16 weeks, in order to compare my baby bump from last pregnancy to this one.  But here I am a week late, which seems to be the trend lately when it comes to the blog. 

16 Weeks with Z
17 Weeks with Baby G #2
Wow, right?! Big difference! I am already bigger and feeling it. Wish me luck : )

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Z's Walker

Ms. Z has started to walk holding on to things. Here's a video of Z using her baby walker for the first time. She only took a few steps forward but improving every day. 

And yes, Z loves to carry things around in her mouth. I'm pretty sure she thinks she is just one of the doggies. She is a funny little character. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Fourth of July Festivities

We went to the annual 4th of July party at Jeanna's house on Lake Sammamish. There is usually a kid party the day before and an adult party (which is the one we always attended) on the 4th. But this year, Jeanna has been fostering 11 month old triplets, since they were born (Yes, she is amazing). So she decided to combine the parties and we were excited to take Z for the first time. 

After Z got her swimsuit on, Uncle Wes took her for a dip in the lake.

She was just chillin, then things started getting a little wavy.

So Dad decided he better go down and make sure everything was o.k. 

Then it was time to try out the really cold kiddie pool.

Z didn't know what was going on. Was she seeing triple??

After the party, Z went home to hang out with our amazing babysitter and Mom and Dad got a night out on the boat with friends and Uncle Jordan who is visiting for the weekend.

And we had an amazing view for the fireworks show.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Stand Up

Z has been pulling herself up to standing since she discovered she could climb the stairs (a little over a month). Which at first meant many head bumps and falls. But it didn't take her long to figure out how to gently get herself down. She has also started to slowly cruise along the furniture.
In the last picture, as she squealed with excitement and said, "Mama mama," I can imagine she meant, "Look Mama! One hand!"