Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Catching Up On Vitamin D

We had four days of beautiful, sunny and 60 degree weather (not to rub it in, my friends and family back in the Midwest and even down south) so we took full advantage. We went on walks around Greenlake with friends and we even planted flowers with the whole crew.

Well Z mainly supervised ...

It was kind of hard to get all the flowers planted with an 8 month old and the dogs running around.

So this was a good start.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Fishy, Fishy, Fishy

Z and I spent the day at the aquarium with a couple other moms and their babies. This was Z's first trip to the aquarium and she seemed completely mesmerized by all the fish.

The underwater dome was pretty awesome!

I just had to take this picture. 

I think Z needs a fish tank at home. But of course James would have to take care of it. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

8 Months

Z's favorite toys right now are her musical instruments, especially her shakers. She also loves to bang her hands on anything.

She loves to laugh! Her dad's job lately has been to see what he can do to make her giggle. Each day it is something new. Then when he finds something that makes her laugh it isn't funny the next day.

She will throw things just out of her reach when she is playing. She lifts her bottom off the ground and goes to her stomach to grab the objects. But as soon as she is on her stomach, she starts whining. She still is not a big fan of being on her stomach.

She is eating all kinds of different foods, but her favorite is still peaches. A close second is steamed broccoli. She really likes to feed herself. She doesn't want anybody doing it for her.

Z has lots to say these days. Lately she has really enjoyed screaming. The kind of scream that makes everybody turn their heads in the grocery store and look at me like I am hurting my child. When she is babbling you can really see those two shiny teeth on the bottom that she loves to show off.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Southern Christmas Vacation

Z's first trip down south consisted of two weeks of meeting my friends and their kiddos, celebrating Christmas on two different days with Nana, Grandpa and Uncle Eric, meeting great aunts, great uncles and cousins, staying in New Orleans, going to a New Year's Eve party, eating black eyed peas for New Years, reading with Nana, playing with Grandpa and hanging out at his work and hanging out with Uncle Eric.