Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking Back 2013

Because I am not at home, I am having a hard time uploading this video. I posted it to FB so you can click on the link below to see a video of some pictures highlighting 2013.


So excited for 2014 and what it has in store for us.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Even though Z woke up running her first fever on her first Christmas, she still was a trooper when it came to opening her gifts.

She opened gifts from Nana 

Gifts from Grandpa 

A gift from Uncle Eric 

And face timed with Grandma to open gifts from her

She even had enough energy to help Dad open gifts

Last but not least, she opened her stocking

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Now we are off to the South to celebrate Christmas with my family.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Party

Z got ready for her first Christmas party. Doesn't she look excited?

While she was sitting by the tree for a quick photo op. She decided she was going to unwrap a present and it just happened to be her's. 

Here she has spotted the gift.

Then she pulled out the tissue paper.

Then she decided that the bag is much better than the actual present inside.

That handle is a lot of fun.

Then off to the party we go.

And of course I didn't get any pictures at the party because I was too busy chatting and didn't take the camera out. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

7 months

In the past month, Z had a tooth come through on the bottom.

Her favorite thing to say is, "Da da da da da da".

And we finally discovered two things she likes to eat, peaches and mangoes.
Here is a video of her eating some mangoes. She thinks they are lip smacking good!

Z still loves those same two fingers and her dogs, of course. Matilda decided she needed to get in the photos and she wasn't going anywhere if Z was going to pet her.

Friday, December 13, 2013

6 Month Photo Session

Even though Z will already be 7 months this weekend, we got her 6 month photos taken today. We also snuck in some Christmas pictures. Tis the season!

Joann, photographer and friend, is so great. Z was such a trooper and didn't pee on Dad : ) But I'm not sure if we got any pictures of Z without her two fingers in her mouth.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Our Turkey day trip to Michigan was wonderful. Snow on Thanksgiving day and Z's first parade. It was great spending time with all our friends and family. We have so much to be thankful for ...


Music class in Chicago with Sara and Matty was a lot of fun.
 Z watching snow fall for the first time with Matty.

Thanksgiving day parade buddies.


Grandma and her LOVE

and Family