Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week 5

Sorry I haven't posted on the blog this week. It has been a busy week between different appointments and starting the mother's support group this week.

I think Z and I are really going to enjoy PEPS (Program for Early Parent Support). All the babies are around the same age as Z and live in the same neighborhood or surrounding neighborhoods. It will be nice for me to get to know other moms. The group will continue to meet once a week for 12 weeks and maybe beyond that.

Now to the important part of the post. Pics of Z!

The weather has been getting so warm and Z is getting bigger, so she can now wear little sun dresses.

Z looks like she is wearing bunny ears on her bouncer. Too cute!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to these two handsome dad's!
I could not ask for a more wonderful father. I am so happy and blessed for Z to have him as her grandfather. I love you dad to the moon and back!
Z is so lucky to have James as her daddy. He is going to be such a great dad because he already is. We love you so much James. Happy First Father's Day!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

1 Month Old

I can not believe that Z is already a month old! Time is flying and I am enjoying every moment of this sweet and snugly little baby. 

We also went on our first walk around the lake today. Wasn't sure if we were going to make it around the whole thing. But she seemed to love the walk and stayed awake for half of it.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Flag Day!

The most important thing about Flag Day is my Daddy's Birthday!
Isn't he the best! He loves to play with me and he is so silly.
I wore my flag dress for Dad, since he bought it for me before I was even born, just for his birthday.
Mom made Dad a strawberry shortcake cake but she didn't want to take a picture because it wasn't really pretty. Sure hope it taste good for Dad.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dinner Out As A Family

James, Z and I enjoyed our fist dinner out as a fam. Of course Z slept the whole time so Mom and Dad really did get to enjoy their dinner. We better soak up these moments of uninterrupted dinner now because we know it doesn't last long! 

I was one happy camper because I got sushi, that I have been craving for the past 10 months!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Grandpa is here!

Grandpa has been here since Wednesday when I turned 3 weeks old. I have really been enjoying taking naps with my Grandpa.